Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) in Rivers / Dale A. Casamatta and Petr Hašler

Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) in Rivers

Dale A. Casamatta and Petr Hašler

River Algae / Orlando Necchi Jr. / Editor

Abstract This chapter presents some of the more commonly encountered lotic cyanobacterial taxa. The cyanobacteria are a group of oxygenic prokaryotes present in nearly all aquatic ecosystems. While the ecological importance of this lineage is well known, much confusion exists pertaining to their systematic and taxonomic status. In order to facilitate generic-level identifi cation, we separate the cyanobacteria into four major groupings: the Chroococcales (coccoid cells often in a mucilaginous envelop), the Oscillatoriales (fi lamentous forms lacking specialized cells), the Nostocales (fi lamentous with inducible specialized cells), and the Stigonematales (fi lamentous, obligatory specialized cells coupled with cell division in multiple planes). We discuss the major genera found in each lineage, the current state of the systematics, and the broad ecological roles and niches of these taxa. Dichotomous keys and images are presented to facilitate generic identifi cations.

Keywords Cyanobacteria • Genus • Identifi cation • Lotic • Morphology • River • Taxonomy



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